Banner image: Late 19th century Midnight Steeplechase Cup on display at Melton museum
Working in association with Tali Krikler, we were asked to create a session discussing learning issues, developments and initiatives across the wider heritage landscape.
Around 20 professionals including the senior manager, learning managers and representative deliverers from the Museums & Heritage Team and the Creative Learning Services team.
LCC Museum and Heritage Team are undertaking a full review of its formal learning offer in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic and to the new service structure, which has the learning activities for all five sites under one manager.
Aims of the session
To give LCC team members a wider perspective of the heritage learning world, how sector support organisations such as GEM, Kids in Museums and the Museums Association can help LCC develop and to inspire the team with potential new ways of working and thinking in an otherwise rather bleak time. We were asked to provide inspiration to drive the excitement around the potential possibilities of LCCs development project, and to reinforce the need to change from the old to a new style of delivery.
We were asked to share new initiatives that had been successful at other sites and what was required to achieve them. LCC were particularly interested in some case studies around new mechanisms for monetised online work, as well as good practice for digital and physical outreach as well as on-site learning.
Workshop style
We were asked to include a ‘state of the nation’ style presentation, a thematic discussion and a participatory activity around the case studies.
Images © Leicestershire Museums
Caroline and Tali have articulated very well the priorities for the museum sector nationally, how the pandemic has affected the landscape and brought about change, and how these national priorities may be addressed at a local level. This has helped to inform and inspire the reshaping of our learning programme within Leicestershire Heritage and Museums Service. We really value their contributions and will be using their advice and guidance to shape our engagement programmes moving forward.
Richard Knox, Museum and Heritage Access and Interpretation Manager at Leicestershire County Council
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