Group for Education in Museums

Chair of Trustees

Caroline has been Chair of GEM  since 2018. Caroline leads the Board to ensure GEM has a clear vision, complies with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements and is governed at the highest possible standard. Trustee roles include approving budgets, supporting staff, attending quarterly board meetings and attending task and finish groups around areas including digital, membership, finance and training.

GEM is a thriving and vibrant membership network of over 1,500 museum and heritage professionals. GEM supports and empowers our community of colleagues to connect and develop their knowledge and skills to deliver learning. Our vision is of a connected and equipped community of people enabling learning across museum, heritage and cultural settings, creating inspiring experiences that are relevant for everyone, promote equality and transform and enrich lives. GEM staff and trustees are continually inspired by our members’ creativity, passion and hard work. Whether you’d like to keep up to date with the latest sector news, develop new skills, or find a new job, GEM is here to help.

GEM during Covid-19

Caroline Marcus, Chair of GEM said: “Our aim is to create a stronger GEM for a stronger sector. Never has this been more necessary than during lockdown when, despite significant challenges, GEM responded to support the sector. Described by a member as “a beacon during lockdown” the GEM team created new opportunities to connect and equip the community of people enabling learning across museum, heritage, and cultural settings.”

Since the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown began GEM has been supporting members digitally through informative webinars and pivoting the training programme to be delivered online. Education Skills Sharing Sessions on Twitter connected hundreds of educators across the world in sharing best practice as well as challenges. GEM’s One to One Mentoring Programme was also launched during this time, which has supported hundreds of mentees and continues with support from volunteer mentors. Additionally, GEM provided support to our freelance colleagues through offering a free 1-year membership and complimentary supplier listing to all eligible applicants. GEM also offered students and unwaged professionals a 1-year membership for a discounted rate, as an ongoing effort to support museums and heritage learning professionals during this uncertain time. 161 freelance members were welcomed, and GEM is now proud to promote a robust supplier list.

Funding from Art Fund

How can GEM help you?

Read GEM’s Digital Case Studies

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Twitter: @gem_heritage